“Romeo and Juliet” – one of the most exciting projects of mine in recent years

When I was invited by a friend of mine, who is a very talented Theatre director, to write original music for his “Romeo and Juliet”, I never expected it to be so inspiring, to meet a group of 9 talented and contagiously enthusiastic actors and to reconnect in such a way with my old friend Petrinel Gotchev.

The three weeks I was supposed to spend with them went by in what seemed like an instant and I found myself still working on the music back in Toronto, still thinking about them, about the atmosphere and about the fact that my music for this play is becoming a very personal and rewarding experience.

I wrote them a letter, after I left. Here it is:

“I believe that there is rarely something accidental happening to us in our life.
It was not an accident that I found myself in the last 3 weeks at the Drama Theatre in Gabrovo, Bulgaria.
It was not an accident that Petrinel Gotchev, an extremely intelligent and talented director, and on top of that a very, very dear friend of mine, invited me to compose the music for his “Romeo and Juliet”.
It was not an accident that I was met by an incredibly gifted, enthusiastic and unbelievably good-willed group of nine actors.
It was not an accident that all of them made me feel alive, inspired and inspiring, valued, they “infected” me with their energy and talent, and all of that will warm my soul along my journey…
To all of them, working, doing more than it is “expected” of them, devoting themselves entirely to their work despite the “circumstances”, despite “expectations” – one big THANK YOU!
I love you and I BELIEVE in you!

Actually…the thing we got together for is already happening. Believe me, I know. I don’t know where I know it from, but I know. At the moment it is only us knowing about that – very soon everybody else will find out. I am with you, my friends…
And if you are wondering why I am writing all of that to you? I’ve always believed that the “good news” should not be delayed even for an instant. Otherwise they might be irreparably late…”


And now, the opening night has been set, it is May 8th, 2013 and I have exhausted all financial means and cannot afford to go and see my music embedded in this immortal play.

That’s why, I started an IndieGoGo campaign to try and raise the $1100 that are needed for a return ticket Toronto-Sofia-Toronto.


Here is the link – if you can’t help, you can at least share it, can’t you? That’s free. And I will be equally grateful.