Tag archive for new

Great new review for “States of Transmigration”

Great new review for “States of Transmigration”

One of the more prominent music bloggers have recently reviewed my album “States of Transmigration”. I highly recommend checking out Gapplegate Music Review website for multiple reviews of new music, jazz, improvised and classical recordings. When a classically-trained pianist turns to improvisation, one can expect something…

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New percussion quartet

A piece for percussion quartet dedicated to all children, known and unknown, who have suffered abuse.

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“Romeo and Juliet” – one of the most exciting projects of mine in recent years

“Romeo and Juliet” – one of the most exciting projects of mine in recent years

When I was invited by a friend of mine, who is a very talented Theatre director, to write original music for his “Romeo and Juliet”, I never expected it to be so inspiring, to meet a group of 9 talented and contagiously enthusiastic actors and…

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